Fact Sheets and Webinars on Disability and Ableism

Fact Sheets

This section contains over a dozen fact sheets on disability and ableism in higher education. They are part of a larger project on making the University more disability aware, friendly, and accessible, and reducing ableism. Most were written by Dr. Rhoda Olkin, and four of them were written with Dana Dunn. More fact sheets will be added over time.

The Language of Disability
Conceptualizing Disability: Three Models of Disability
Changing Attitudes Towards Disability
Quick Guide to Accessible Syllabi
Schematic to Help Memory
Distributive Justice (versus Social Justice)/ Equity (versus Equality)
Why Breaks Need to Be More than Five Minutes
Universal Design
Moving Towards Universal Design in Assessment of Student Learning
PowerPoint Dos and Don’ts
12 Disability-Friendly Universal Principles
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Disability Resources

Webinars on Demand 

This section contains links to webinars on disability and ableism presented by Dr. Olkin and others.

November 2, 2023
Rhoda Olkin, PhD
Reasonable Accommodations for Specific Disabilities 

October 16, 2023
Julie Cosenza, PhD, and Rhoda Olkin, PhD
Using Universal Design in Teaching: Practical Applications 

October 12, 2023
Rhoda Olkin, PhD
What Students with Disabilities Tell Us 

October 9, 2023
Kathleen Bogart, PhD
Disability Research: State of the Science and Future Directions 

 October 21, 2022
Jeremy Bond, DET
Digital Accessibility in Online and On Ground Teaching 

February 24, 2022
Rhoda Olkin, PhD
Teaching Disability as Part of Diversity