Role of the Dissertation Committee Chairperson


The dissertation committee chairperson is the student’s primary source of guidance and the school’s primary guarantor of quality for the dissertation.  Committee chairpersons mentor and counsel students on all aspects of the project as well as fostering the student’s progress and monitoring the quality of the dissertation. They are responsible for (a) supervising the student in all phases of the dissertation process, (b) carrying out any administrative or liaison functions necessary to complete the dissertation process, and (c) chairing meetings of the dissertation committee. They also have a role in the student’s professional development and progress. Below is a list of recommended activities.


Dissertation Specific Advising

  • Provide guidance to advisee on content and structure of proposal and dissertation
    • Consult on topic and design of dissertation
      • Selecting dissertation topic
      • Developing and refining the research question
      • Designing an appropriate project that addresses the research question but is not either too marrow or overly ambitious
      • Selecting or develop data collection methods and procedures that address the research question
      • Developing and monitoring implementation of an effective data collection plan
      • Ensuring that planned research meets ethical standards
      • Devising and conducting an appropriate data analysis plan
      • Interpreting results findings of analyses
      • Applying findings and drawing conclusions
    • Guide the development of written proposal
    • Supervise the preparation of final document
    • Help advisee find resources necessary to meet dissertation goals (e.g., funding, participants, measures).
  • Attest that the dissertation is
    • Academically Sound
    • Clearly and correctly written
    • Provides an original contribution to the field
  • Provide clear expectations for the entire dissertation, as well as for each phase or section
    • Provide examples of exemplary dissertation proposals and completed dissertations
    • Be consistent but flexible should the need for revising the original proposal arise
  • Provide clear, timely, and honest communication about dissertation work.
    • Communicate frequently with advisee about expectations and responsibilities, ensuring that there is a shared understanding
    • Discuss the dissertation’s strengths and weaknesses and offer strategies for addressing the weaknesses
    • Provide written feedback that is detailed and clear.
    • Be available to meet one-on-one with advisee on a regular basis; meetings can be in person, through email, video chat, or phone.
  • Help advisee to plan, set attainable goals, and establish a realistic timeline for completing the dissertation.
    • Help advisee formulate a long-term plan for the dissertation, including a timetable and tentative completion date
    • Work with the advisee to revise the plan, if needed
    • Require regular progress reports from the advisee
  • Provide advice about developing a productive writing process
    • Discuss the pros and cons of writing groups and other forms of peer support
    • Discuss setting up a regular writing routine and strategies for setting aside time for writing
  • Assist advisee in matters concerning the dissertation committee
    • Help to select dissertation committee members, including evaluating and approving committee members advisee suggests
    • Help advisee to interpret and implement dissertation committee members’ feedback
    • Help manage relationships and disagreements among committee members
  • Make sure advisee knows about and understands program, school, and university policies and requirements regarding the dissertation
    • Review ethical standards for research and help with IRB process, making sure advisee receives the necessary approvals before proceeding with the research
    • Review policies related to committee membership, time to completion, and document format
  • Plan for committee meetings
    • Approve proposal before it is distributed to committee members and a formal meeting is scheduled
    • Attest that dissertation is ready for defense before date for defense is set
    • Prepare advisee for proposal and final defense meetings
      • Plan agenda
      • Review presentation
      • Discuss possible questions
    • Discuss authorship policies and practices regarding publications
      • Refer to professional ethical standards
      • Refer to program, college, or university policies
  • Discuss creating a productive working relationship
    • Talk to advisee about your working style and what they can do to contribute to a good working relationship
    • Reach agreement with the advisee about how often they will consult with you and submit work for you to review.
    • Be clear about the time you will need to read drafts and provide feedback and how this will be done
  • Provide an environment that is supportive, safe, and free of harassment
    • Serve as a role model by demonstrating respectful, professional, and courteous behavior toward all students, staff, and faculty
    • Encourage openness about challenges or difficulties that may impact progress on the dissertation and, if possible, work with the advisee to resolve them
    • Create an environment that fosters help-seeking and minimizes barriers to honest communication
    • Show sensitivity to the power imbalance in the faculty-student relationship
    • Take into consideration the advisee’s need to manage competing demands while maintaining timely progress towards their degree
    • Refer students proactively to appropriate university resources to provide support (e.g., financial, physical/emotional health, career development)

Career Advising

  • Listen to and support an advisee’s scholarly and professional goals
    • Realize that an advisee’s goals will differ from your own and do not place your own personal and professional goals ahead of the advisees’ goals.
    • Help advisee to attain goals by discussing strategies, plans, and resources
    • Encourage professional networking (e.g., participation in professional meetings, associations, and collaborations).
    • Provide career advice and assist in finding positions (e.g., help with interview and application preparation).
  • Prepare advisee to be competitive for future careers
    • Provide opportunities for professional collaborations (e.g., joint presentations and publications)
    • Recognize and promote advisee’s contributions to research in publications or presentations at conferences
    • Facilitate advisee’s acquisition of professional skills such as oral and written communication
    • Support the development of teaching and other skills relevant to career goals
    • Be realistic, open, and honest about career prospects and options
  • Provide thoughtful and honest letters of recommendation in a timely manner.


University of Massachusetts/Boston Office of Graduate Studies
Best Practices for Dissertation Advisors

University of Iowa Department of Biostatistics
Toward Best Practices for Graduate Students and Their Research Advisors

Penn State University Graduate School
Recommended Practices in Graduate Education

University of Tennessee/Chattanooga Health, Education, and Professional Studies
Suggested Best Practices

University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School
Checklist for Dissertation Chairs

University of Pennsylvania Academic Resources
Advising and Mentoring PhD Students